UW-Madison Anthropology News
Professors Bowie and McFarland honored with Vilas professorships
New Homo naledi finds
The discovery of the new Homo naledi fossils, representing the remains of at least three juvenile and adult specimens, includes a “wonderfully complete skull,” says UW-Madison anthropologist John Hawks.
Recent Awards to Faculty and Alumni!
At the 2017 annual business meeting of the Society for American Archaeology, Bernadette Cap (Ph.D. 2016) received the SAA Dissertation Award. This annual award recognizes one recent dissertation that exemplifies exceptional research and has made …
Summer Courses in Anthropology!
Summer 2017: Anthro. 104, Anthro. 105, Anthro. 352, Anthro. 370, and Anthro. 454 Anthro. 104 Introduction to Cultural Anthropology. Meets TR 10 am-noon during the 8 week session. Fulfills Ethnic Studies Requirement. Anthro. 105 …
Claire Wendland Receives Chancellor’s Distinguished Teaching Award
Katherine Bowie’s New Book is Published
Katherine Bowie’s new book, Of Beggars and Buddhas: The Politics of Humor in the “Vessantara Jataka” in Thailand has just been published by the University of Wisconsin Press, 2017). The Vessantara Jataka is the most famous …
Open Letter to President Ray Cross regarding proposed criminal background investigations of student applicants
Open Letter to President Cross
UW search team finds downed WWII plane
This summer, in a unique collaboration, a team from the University of Wisconsin–Madison recovered wreckage and possible human remains from a site in France where an American pilot crashed during World War II.
Alison Carter, recent PhD, featured in Ars Technica
A current article in Ars Technica discusses archaeological work that is bringing a new picture of the urban center of Angkor Wat in Cambodia, including the work of Alison Carter (PhD, 2013): “How archaeologists found …