Elizabeth Leith
Position title: Museum Director
Email: ealeith@wisc.edu
Phone: (608) 890-1823
5407 Sewell Social Science Bldg.

Museum Anthropology, Protohistoric/European Trade, Historical Archaeology
My main interest revolves around the care and conservation of anthropological collections, from best practices in packaging and storage methods to proper documentation, tracking and digitization of objects and their ancillary data. My primary goals are: to stabilize collections in perpetuity, to effectively record and disseminate collection information to interested parties and the public, and to encourage continued research of new and legacy collections.
As an archaeologist, my focus is on French/Native American trade relations on the southern Plains, as well as a general interest in the identification and study of protohistoric and historic-period artifacts in the United States.
I enjoy teaching various topics related to the curation and exhibition of anthropological collections, as well as encouraging individual research projects related to either my research foci or collection materials.
- Anthro 405: Introduction to Museum Studies in Anthropology
- Anthro 696: Archaeological Methods of Curation