Nalin Sindhuprama
Credentials: She/Her
Position title: Graduate Student

Cultural Anthropology
Nalin Sindhuprama is a cultural anthropology student who is interested in Cambodian artists in the aftermath of the Khmer Rouge. She received her BA from the Faculty of Arts, Chulalongkorn University, Thailand. Her honored thesis focuses on Thai contemporary ghost stories that are circulated on the internet. Her interest in folklore in the digital age and Cambodian influence on Thai culture led her to pursue a master’s degree in the Folklore Program at University of California, Berkeley. Her MA thesis Remembering and Transcending the Past through Laura Mam’s Original Music: The Artistic Expression of the Second-Generation Cambodian American Artist studied Khmer pop songs produced by a second-generation Cambodian American artist who is aspired to revive Cambodian music scene. Nalin now continues to explore the cultural revival projects in Cambodia at University of Wisconsin-Madison.