World Anthropology Day – Thursday, February 18th

World Anthropology Day

Thursday, February 18 2016
12 – 1:00p, 8411 Social Sciences Building
World Culinary Tour
Come enjoy dishes from around the world! Students are encouraged to make a favorite dish to bring and share. Students that have completed fieldwork will discuss exciting
experiences eating in the field.

1 – 3:30pm, 8411 Social Sciences Building
Informal Anthropological Discussions
Graduate and undergraduate students from all sections of the department are invited to discuss their research and their experiences studying anthropology. Come share your stories from the field! This is also a great opportunity for asking and answering any questions about the UW-Madison Anthropology Program or any anthropological questions in general!

4:00pm, Room 206 Ingraham Hall
Lecture: “Collaborative, Bottom-Up Approaches to Health Ethnography and HIV Prevention Development”
Sarah Drue Phillips (Indiana University)
Sponsored by CREECA

6:00pm, 8417 Social Sciences Building
Film Screening: “The Anthropologist”
A documentary about what it means to be an anthropologist and do anthropological fieldwork.
Discussion to follow.
Pizza and refreshments will be served.

World Anthropology Day Schedule!